Our Peakers created a moving Banquet to the theme of ABBA’s Slipping Through Our Fingers, showing us their love for every moment of Point O’Pines. Thank you Peakers for a beautiful evening!
This was a highlight to this very best of our camp summers. This year has amazed us, even as it has gone by so very quickly. We made many thanks to superb campers, staff and even all those wonderful parents at home.
Tonight we recognized some of the individuals who’s contribution to camp was particularly outstanding.
Best All-Around Equestrian
Peaker Isabelle L.
Swimming Hall of Fame
Peaker Zara
Outstanding Athlete
Peakers Daniela & Reese
Tennis All-Time Great
Peaker Olivia
Distinguished Thespian
Peaker Chloe
Sportsmanship Award
Peakers Molly & Natalie
Camper of the Year
Peaker Lilah
Congratulations and thank you to all these girls!
We also took this opportunity to recognize outstanding staff, including two recipients of the Sherie Alden and Erin Shoulberg Award for Outstanding Leadership. This award will be accompanied by a scholarship grant from the Himoff Family and was created to celebrate staff members who exemplify caring, fun, organizational skill, and leadership. Honoring those staff members who have demonstrated these extraordinary qualities celebrates and honors what Erin and Sherie brought to their life at Point O’Pines Camp.
Sherie Alden and Erin Shoulberg Award for Outstanding Leadership
Emma Romatzick
Maria Olive Garcia