Our camp uniform is designed to simplify camp life. Your compliance with our uniform requirements will avoid unneeded and unusable clothing. Please note the official clothing emblem. This is the only logo allowed on camp clothing.
The Point O’Pines packing list and clothing provides specific details about clothing requirements (located in The Camp Spot clothing catalog). Returning families should carefully examine our clothing list as it contains minor changes.

Our official camp uniform outfitter is The Camp Spot. The Camp Spot Point O’Pines Clothing Store is located on their website.
When making your purchases, the only items on the uniform list that must have the Point O’Pines logo are the white uniform t-shirts, the white uniform collared shirts, and the Point O’Pines bed cover. Non-required items are offered on The Camp Spot website along with many additional logoed items. Please consult the required clothing list since you may use items which you may already have on hand or acquire items for camp from the most reasonable source available.

All items must be marked with your daughter’s full name.
This is our only means for identification and prevention of loss of personal belongings.
Social Attire
Social and Overnight Trip attire for all campers should be clothing that provides appropriate coverage. Point O’Pines campers are not permitted to wear strapless tops, halter tops, fishnet clothing, or short shorts (including Soffe shorts that are rolled up multiple times). Midriff tops that sit below the belly button are permitted. Ripped jeans or shorts are discouraged.
- Ti through Inter A’s social attire is their camp uniform.
- Inter B’s social attire is uniform shorts, skorts, jeans, or camp sweatpants with an appropriate and casual top of her choice.
- Subs may wear white shorts, jeans or jean shorts with an appropriate and casual top of her choice.
- Senior House may wear their own appropriate and casual non-camp attire.
Special Note for Senior House Campers
We design special shirts for our Seniors and Peakers that may be worn instead of the regular uniform shirt. These shirts are not included on our uniform list. Order forms are included in your CampMinder Forms Dashboard. These shirts are ordered directly from camp and will be labeled and given to your daughter upon her arrival at camp. We cannot guarantee quantities or sizes for Senior House shirts ordered after April 1st.