The Role of a Key Staff Member
Key staff members are part of the leadership team at Point O’Pines Camp. We believe that it is essential for Key Staff members to exhibit exemplary maturity and high levels of responsibility to create a safe, productive, and fun summer for campers and staff alike. Individuals are chosen for Key Staff Positions because we trust that they will be good role models for campers and staff members and that they will adhere to and enforce the rules that we have established to ensure that our Camp community will thrive.
Area Head
An Area Head is responsible for overseeing the campers and counselors in a specific age group. Her daily responsibilities include overseeing the health and emotional state of each of her campers and staff, mediating and assisting in the conflict resolution process, communicating with parents on a routine basis and meeting daily with Camp Directors to report on each camper in her age group. The ideal candidate would be a mature, responsible woman who is sensitive to the needs of the people for whom she is responsible, is able to adhere to and reinforce the rules of our community and has an objective approach to working out conflict situations that are common to camp. Area Heads are usually individuals with significant experience at Point O’Pines Camp.
Specialty Head
A Specialty Head is an individual who directs a specific activity area. This individual is responsible for the development and execution of a specific activity program and curriculum. An ideal candidate would have extensive knowledge and experience in a specific activity area and have the patience, motivation and desire to impart knowledge to staff and campers.
Specialty heads must be prepared to instruct girls of ages 7 to 15, and have the ability to direct and advise college-age instructors. Specialty Heads work closely with the Camp Directors to ensure quality programming for all campers.
Medical Staff
Our medical staff consists of a Medical Director, one doctor for each week, four or five registered nurses, and one or more infirmary assistants. All physicians and RNs must be licensed in the State of New York. We will assist you to obtain and pay for required licensing. The main responsibilities of the Medical Staff are triaging campers and staff when injured or ill, dispensing medications as needed and communicating all medical concerns to Camp Directors and parents of campers. The medical staff determines the need to refer patients to the Glens Falls area hospital or medical specialists.