Today, we are missing our girls. Leaving friends is always hard, but it is only hard because of the love, fun and great times we shared. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Last night we made wishes for great summers to come, and appreciated everyone who made camp so special. The Peak of 2018 worked hard to make themselves a very hard act to follow, but they recognize that our Seniors will be a wonderful Peak when they have their opportunity. Thank you Peakers. It has been a pleasure to watch you grow and amaze us. We are so excited to hear about the achievements and fun that are ahead of you all.
Point O’Pines Camp is a place, but even more so a community and we thank all of the people who make camp the way we love it. Thank you to all the campers, counselors, activity directors, area heads, and other staff who make it possible.
We miss you all, and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.