Banquet 2018 was a Journey to the Stars, piloted by the great Peak of 2018. Peak 2018 has amazed us all summer with their fine sportsmanship and warm relationship with all the younger campers. Tonight they brought the summer to a crescendo with an epic banquet. They will always have a place amongst the stars, and in our hearts.
Banquet is also the time to recognize the truly outstanding campers with awards both for this year and for their entire history at Point O’Pines Camp. We are so very proud of them and hope you will be too.
Best All-Around Equestrian
Senior Lindsey
Swimming Hall of Fame
Peaker Maya
Outstanding Athlete
Peaker Alex G. and Peaker Jenna
Tennis All-Time Great
Peaker Sammy
Distinguished Thespian
Peaker Kayla
Sportsmanship Award
Peaker Julia K. and Peaker Julia K. (Yes, you got that right 🙂 )
Camper of the Year
Peaker Charlotte R.
Congratulations and thank you to all these deserving girls!