Report by Peaker Katie R. (Soccer Team Captain):
Today there were two teams from Point O’Pines that played in the Point O’Pines Invitational Soccer Tournament, consisting of Chateguay, Walden, Forest Lake and the Point. The first Point O’Pines team included Inter As, Inter Bs, Subs and Seniors. They worked well as a team and showed a lot of talent and skill.
The second team included all 35 Peakers. The Peaker team was the winner of the whole tournament beating Walden in the Finals. Every person on every team contributed in an important way. Peaker Sophie M., Peaker Katie R., Peaker Jordyn G., Peaker Sophie K., Peaker Hannah W. and many other people scored in the tournament. Peaker Gabby held the team together playing goalie for the Peaker team. Overall the tournament was a success.