We are excited about our new venture into a nut-free environment at Point O’Pines. Embarking on this journey has not been easy but it is important and worthy. We are convinced our diet at Point O’Pines will be just as delicious as before with plenty of healthy options for every camper and counselor.
Our first task was to review all of the items we serve for labeling to confirm that all the ingredients that we use are nut-free. We checked labels, manufacturers websites and specific codes on every product we use. Some well known products were actually very confusing as the manufacturer would not make the statement that the product does not contain nuts, but instead referred us to package labeling which they suggest might change from time to time. We found that some products prepared by national manufacturers are nut free from some production plants and may contain nuts when from sister plants.
Once we determined the limited number of products that we had used containing nuts we searched for delicious substitutes. One example is the replacement of peanut butter with sun butter and the elimination of candy bars and ice cream containing nuts. We found plenty of healthy and enticing alternatives.
We think our campers will be very satisfied with their diet and find it even healthier and more delicious than before. There will be plenty of new options, especially all the new items that we have added to our candy canteen.
For more information see the food safety, special diets and allergies page on our website.